CUBCRAFTERS Single Engine Piston Aircraft For Sale

Single Engine Piston Cubcrafters Aircraft Information

The Cubcrafters CC11-100 Sport Cub has the capacity for two. The aircraft is a high wing, tandem seat, conventional landing gear, tube and fabric light sport aircraft. The empty weight is 832 lb (377 kg) and the gross weight is 1320 lb (599 kg). The cruise speed is 101 mph (88 knots, 163 km/h), the stall speed is 32 mph (28 knots, 51 km/h), and the maximum speed is 141 mph (123 knots, 227 km/h).

The Cubcrafters CC11-160 Carbon Cub was also based on the Piper Cub. The empty weight is 932 lb (423 kg) and the gross weight is 1320 lb (599 kg). The cruise speed is 120 mph (100 knots, 190 km/h), the stall speed is 31 mph (27 knots, 50 km/h), and the maximum speed is 141 mph (123 knots, 227 km/h).

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